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application areas
for adults
Stress-Related Symptoms/
sleep disorders
exhaustion and burnout
Activating the vagus nerve shows a way out of the tension.
Tinnitus/hearing loss/hearing loss
Hearing therapy can strengthen the small muscles in the middle ear.
In connection with a more stable responsiveness of the sensory cells in the ear and the nerve cells in the brain, hearing perception can be optimized and the potential that is available can be better used.
The stress-regulating effect of hearing therapy is crucial for tinnitus treatment.
foreign language training
The aim is to get the ear used to the unfamiliar rhythms and sounds of the new language. This can then be more easily absorbed and learned.
Learning can also be fun when the feeling of strangeness disappears.
voice and singing
If you change the auditory perception, you always work on the language and the voice.
You can support this by actively working with a microphone.
This leads to:
better voice control
Strengthening of self-confidence
pleasure in expressing oneself
neurological diseases
Low frequencies strengthen depth sensitivity and body awareness.
Individual parts of the body can be consciously stimulated while listening (extra vibrators).
Hearing, speech and concentration are activated.
Desire for something new
Are you curious to open up the world of sound and your own voice?
Would you perhaps also like to enter new spaces in life?